Thursday, December 12, 2013

2013 Book #17 - 4 BLOOD MOONS

John Hagee's newly released book, is my 17th completed book this year.

If you, like I, feel like Christ's return is very soon, this is a book you would probably enjoy reading.  It is a very easy read, but it is also pretty repetitious in it's 246 pages.  One thing definitely in it's favor is the Biblical Scripture upon which it is soundly based.

If you are looking for an in-depth study of this material and information this probably would not be your choice, but, if you are looking for an easy read on this topic this would be a book I could recommend.  It is also the type book that could easily be given to someone who is not very versed on The Word and yet desires to know more about what is said on the subject of End Times.

It is my firm belief that as much attention and knowledge that can be put forth in the area of End Time Prophesy is very needed and I am thankful for Pastor Hagee's voice and influence being used, not only in the writing of this book but in his recent TV broadcasts on this very subject.      
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Mari said...

Sounds like a book I would enjoy. I finally bought The Circle Maker, although it's been some time since you recommended it.

Debra said...

The end times are certainly upon us Susan! Even so, come Lord Jesus!